Free Construction Change Order Form

Need a free construction change order template to inject some much-needed changes to your work project? Then you are in the right place - Read on for our free contractor change order form.

What You Should Know Before Using Our Change Order Template

Contractor change orders tend to be unpopular creatures at a work site - It often manifests as a rude disruption to the contractor's work progress, and owners are often left wondering why such a minor change can burn such a major hole in their pockets.

Change orders happen for a few reasons: Most often it's the owner having a change of mind or toying with new ideas. Other times it's the contractor realizing that work modifications or additions have to be made for the project to sail through. Either way, these work changes often introduce confusion and take a toll on the costs and deadlines.

That's where our contractor change order form steps in... bringing order to chaos and soothing ruffled nerves by carving the new changes, new deadlines and new prices in writing. In most cases, the owner gets to order new changes while the contractor gets to slap on the price tag... but do go over your original Agreement Between Owner and Contractor again just to be sure.

*Make sure this free construction change order form complies with your local real estate laws before using it. If you have any doubts, you can ask a real estate lawyer online.

Change Order

Change Order Number: ____________________

Date: _______________

Owner Name: _________________________

Owner Phone Number: ____________________

Owner Address:

Contractor Name: _________________________

Contractor Phone Number: ____________________

Contractor Address:

Existing Contract Date: _______________

Project Name and Address:


The above changes shall be performed under the same terms and conditions in the original Agreement Between Owner and Contractor unless otherwise stated.

Original Contract Amount:

$ _______________

Total Increase/Decrease from Previous Change Order(s):

$ _______________

Total Amount for This Change Order:

$ _______________

New Contract Amount including This Change Order:

$ _______________

Time required to complete the project shall be increased/decreased by _____ calender days due to this change order and the date of completion shall be changed to _______________.

Owner Signature: _________________________

Date: _______________

Contractor Signature: _________________________

Date: _______________

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